sebenernya gue juga bingung mau posting apa hahaha beneran deh gabohong gue gatau! gini aja deh yaaaaaa lu lu pada yang baca posting2 gue tolong kasih komentar dong tapi komentarnya isi di c-box yaa pasti nanti gue bales hehe
sebenernya gue juga bingung mau posting apa hahaha beneran deh gabohong gue gatau! gini aja deh yaaaaaa lu lu pada yang baca posting2 gue tolong kasih komentar dong tapi komentarnya isi di c-box yaa pasti nanti gue bales hehe
what the hell?
04.34 | Posted by farahfartongsss
yayayaa tadi kan gue ambil rapot yaa(27 juni 2009) heem sebelumnya gue takut banget ga naik soalnya ada gosipss yang tidak menyenangkan di kelas gue katanya ssih yang ga naik ada 3orang 2cowok 1cewek hhh gila yaa pas denger itu kaki gue langsung lemees gilegile wkwk. ehh paas tadi yaa ayu ngajakin gue tuh dateng kesekolah jam 9 buat main-main dulu soalnya kan kita anak-anak kurang kerjaan ehehe yaudaaaah deeh. aduhaduh rasanya pas sampe sekolah jantung gue mau copot takut ga naik hahahaha nahnah pas gue dari kantin sama ayu, fira, dan ishmah gua kekelas sama ayu naaah si maudy lg nulis gituu di papan tulis dan ternyata yaaa dia nulis peringkat 10besaaaaar hahaha gue kira ada nama gue taunya engga -__--- eh malah ada nama ayu peringkat ke 10 selamat yaa cil! aduhh jantung gue serasa mau copot dah pas pacil udh masuk kelas dann mulai ngebagiin rapot wakakaka pacil(pala kecil). teeeerus ayu kan ngambil duluan yang ngambil rapotnya ituutuuuuh ibu yoel hahaha yaudah si ayu pulang duluan dandan pass giliran guee dengdeeeeeeng gue naik kelas eeh seneng dah gue setengah mati rasanya pingin terjun dari lantai 3 ke lantai 1 jeehahah mana bisa dan mana berani yak-,- yaa walaupun nilai ipa gue masih di bawah kkm hhh untung aja cuma ipa doaanggggg
yaudahlah gitu aja yang saya mau posting annnnnnnnddd byeeee
shania twain-from this moment lyrics
23.50 | Posted by farahfartongsss

and everything and I will always care. Through weakness
and strength, happiness and sorrow, for better, for worse,
I will love you with every beat of my heart.)
From this moment life has begun
From this moment you are the one
Right beside you is where I belong
From this moment on
From this moment I have been blessed
I live only for your happiness
And for your love I'd give my last breath
From this moment on
I give my hand to you with all my heart
Can't wait to live my life with you, can't wait to start
You and I will never be apart
My dreams came true because of you
From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment on
You're the reason I believe in love
And you're the answer to my prayers from up above
All we need is just the two of us
My dreams came true because of you
From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment
I will love you as long as I live
From this moment on
miss eksiss
04.58 | Posted by farahfartongsss
heyhey eyke mau cerita nih tentang loser di sekolah gue hehe sebut aja yaa namanya 'n' hemhem apa yaaa gue akuin laaaah di cantik wikiki emang beneerr badannya aja badan modeeel gila dah aaah gua naksirrrrr bedbed...
ginigini kecantikannya dia itu ga sebanding gitcuuuuuuuw sama sifatnya dia hhh dia itu yaa tukang pamerrrr heeeeem mungkinlahh wkwk ohyaohya jadii ada temen gue namanyaaaa ..... sensssorr ada deeeeeeeh jadi si .... itu ultaaah nahnah si miss eksis sih katanya mau beliin si .... ipod sebagai hadiah ultaaaah bujeeeeek tajir baebanjeeeet yaaw akyu mau dong pesen ipod jugaa misss warna putih yeeeeeeeeeeeey! hahaha terrrus kankan miss eksiss ultah gituuuw katanya sih kita mau ditraktir gitu kemanapun kita maau hihihi yeeeeees daaan apaan sampe sekarang ga di traktir2 tuhhh dih malu guaaaa. waktu itu ssih kitakita udh pernah ngelabrak dia katanya sih dia maaaau berubaah gitu tapi gatau deeeh terrrrus tukang ngadu sih diaaaa halah shittt hahaha
yasudahlah gabaik juga sih ngomongin orang eheheh maaf yaa kalo yang merasaaaaaa wih byeee
adeeeek ;p
04.20 | Posted by farahfartongsss
ini nih gua pingin cerita tentang adek guee yang lucccuuu nama frisya egalitha dia baru umur 2thn, mukanya mirip kayak seyna film do-be-do hahaha ciri-cirinya sih sama tapi adek gue rada kurus dikit heeeeeem rambutnya aja sama perssis keriting gitu hhhh ;D yaaaa gue sih sayang sama adek gue iih tapi kalo lagi ngeselinnya naujubilaaaah ya rasanya pingin gue teelen tuh anak wakakaka. abisan dikit2 nangis ihih gimana gua ga keseeel apalagi kalo dia nangis pas gue lagi tidddddddurr masyaallah hahahaha
ohyaa lupa deh kan ibu gue ngebeliin dia boneka gitu botak terus bonekanya itu bisa bunyi2 dan bisa minum susu wahaha adek gue tuh sayangcinta banget deh ya sama tuh boneka haha sebutan tuh boneka sih 'dede botak' hahaha masa-masa yaaaa kalo adek gue lagi minum susu gituu tuh si boneka botak juga ditawarin susu dan adek gue bilang gini 'nini dede mimi cucu dulu yaa' hahaha
gilaa dah ih adek guee tuh anak kesayangan banget yaaa gue sama kakak gue jadi ditelantarkan gitu hahaha tapi gapapa ;ppp niiiiih mau liat foto adek gua ini dia diharapkkan jangan kaget yaaa

nihnih gue kasih foto adek gua yang paling cantik hehe ;D
jason thomas mraz-geek in the pink
00.28 | Posted by farahfartongsss
I may be skinny at times but I'm fat fulla rhymes
Pass me the mic and I'm a grab at it
Isn't it delicious crazy way that I'm kissin'
Cause baby listen to this don't wanna miss it while it's hittin'
Sometimes you gotta fit in to get in
But don't ever quit cause soon I'm gonna let you in but see
I don't care what you might think about me
You can vibe without me if you want
I could be the one to take you home
Baby I could rock the night alone
If we never get down it wouldn't be a let down
But sugar don't forget what you already know
I could be the one to turn you on
We could be the talk across the town
Don't judge me by the color, confuse it for another
You might regret what you let slip away
I'm the geek in the pink pink pink
I'm the geek in the pink yeah
Well this relationship fodder don't mean to bother nobody
But Cupid's automatic musta fired multiple shots at her
Because she fall in love too often that's what the matter
At least I talk about it keep a pattern of flattery and
She was starin' through the doorframe
Eyeing me down like already a bad boyfriend
Well she can get her toys outta the drawer then
Cause I ain't comin' home I don't need that attention, see
I don't care what you might think about me
You'll get by without me if you want
I could be the one to take you home
Baby we could rock the night alone
If we never get down it sure would be the let down
But sugar don't forget what you already know
I could be the one to turn you on
You could be the talk across the town
Don't judge it by the color, confuse it for another
You might regret what you let slip away
I am more than you're thinking
Hey look at me go
From hero to zero
Oh, take it from a geek like me
I can save you from unoriginal dum-dums
Who wouldn't care if you com...plete him or not
So what I've got a short attention span
A coke in my hand
Because I'd rather have the afternoon, relax and understand
My hip hop and flip-flops it don't stop with the light rock
A shot to mock you kinda puts me in the tight spot
The hype is nothing more than hoo-ha so I'm
Developing a language and I'm callin' it my own
So take a peek into the speaker and you'll see what I mean
That on the other side the grass is greener
I don't care what you might think about me
You'll get by without me if you want
I could be the one to take you home
Baby we could rock the night alone
If we never get down it wouldn't be the let down
But sugar don't forget what you already know
I could be the one to turn you on
We could be the talk across the town
Don't judge it by the color, confuse it for another
You might regret what you let slip away
I'm the geek in the pink pink pink
I'm the geek in the pink yeah
I'm the geek in the pink
All y'all geek is the new color for fall
nike zoom basketball shoes
16.38 | Posted by farahfartongsss

The Zoom Kobe III Men's Basketball Shoe by Nike injects your game with venomous performance. Versatile, light and highly responsive, this sleek stunner is ideal for aggressive players.
-Carbon fiber plate provides the ultimate balance between stability and support, energy response and flexibility.
-Full-length Zoom Air unit in the midsole delivers protection, extreme responsiveness and quick motion on the court.
-Injected cafte urethane on the upper forms the net shape for added support and adjustment on the foot.
Kobe Bryant 2009 Finals MVP
16.20 | Posted by farahfartongsss

With his 4th NBA Title and his first Finals MVP Award, Kobe Bryant’s 2009 dream season is complete. Some might say his road to the Larry O’Brien Trophy started in Beijing, but it began the day after the Lakers lost in the Finals last year to Boston.
From that moment on Kobe made his game truly unstoppable. He dedicating himself to defense, sustained intensity and teamwork. He dedicated his game to being smarter and quicker than the competition. His lead by example efforts helped spur Team USA to a gold finish in Beijing but that was only a glimpse of what was to come from The Black Mamba. Throughout the regular season he furthered his work ethic and helped make everyone around him wearing the purple and gold better. 61 points in Madison Square Garden, 399 total assists in the regular season, 33 ppg in the Finals, just examples of Kobe’s elevated game. And so it’s fitting that at the end of his 08-09 run, Kobe is recognized for the instrumental part he played in helping the Lakers franchise win their 15th NBA championship. We can only imagine what this accomplishment will lead to in the season to come as he and the Lakers defend the NBA throne.
Congratulations Lakers
16.15 | Posted by farahfartongsss

It was during the 2nd quarter when a 16-0 run turned a 9 point deficit in to a 12 point lead for the Lakers that you could tell they had no intention of letting that lead go—and they didn’t. Each player wearing the purple and gold stepped their game up as they sought their franchises 15th NBA Championship Trophy.
Clutch 3-pointers by Trevor Ariza (15 pts) and Lamar Odom (17 pts), all over rebounding by Pau Gasol (14 pts, 15 rbd) in the paint, excellent defense by Derek Fisher (13 pts) and of course Kobe's (30 pts, 5 ast, 4 blks, 2 stl, 6 rbds) team leadership and unstoppable drive to win combined to secure the 2009 NBA Title for the Lakers Sunday night in Orlando as the beat the Magic, 99-86.
The road to the championship trophy was not easy for Los Angeles. Although they entered each round of the Playoffs as the favorites they were challenged each step of the way. But as winning teams do when faced with adversity they stepped their game up to overcome each obstacle. And as a result of their perseverance and dedication to one goal they are the 2009 NBA Champions.
22.55 | Posted by farahfartongsss
udh 1 jam gitu kita main basket ko SM-nya ga dateng2. katanya kak rara sih gajadi dateng gara-gara gue(gamungkin banget deeh yaa emang salah gue apaan?) hahahaha eeeeeeh jam sembilan lewat 15 menit salah satu dari anggota SM dateng yeyeye ah tapi belum serrru nihh -,--- pas gue beli minum di kantin ada 3orang asing gitu tingggggggggi banget pake kaos warna putih sebelumnya sih gue udh ngira2 kalo itu anggota SM juga wwwoooooow ternyata bener lohhh hehe wwihgila dah ah tinggi2 banget udh kayak tiang listrik. heeeeem karena kita semua(anak-anak basket) udh pada ganti baju basket lengkaaaap eheh langsung gitu deh ya anggota SM ngelatih kita asikasik huuuuuh eeh beberapa menit kemudian pas SM ngelatih kita, dateng anak-anak 226 buat ikuuut latihan gituuuu hiiii ya tapi gapapalah hehe awal-awalnya si kita ngumpul gitu ngobrol2 senang yes! abis itu kita diajarin dribble, passing, sama fritrue hahahaha eh terus2 yaaa ada tuh anggota SM yang ganteng cewek-cewek pada langsung terpesona gitu dah ihhhhhh termasuk gua hahhaa nah yang ganteng itu ngeee-duunkk gila keren gaboong baru pertama kali gue liat seorang pemain basket yang kayak gitu live lagi haha. terus pas break menegernya pada bagi-bagiin hadiah gitu ada kaos kartu nonton ibl diskon oh my ggggggggod hahha terus-terus banyak deh yang dapet kaos SM gittttttu tapi sayangnya gue ga depet yahelah -,---- heeeem akhir-akhirnya kita foto2 gitu sama diaa yeeeeees! ada yang minta tanda tangan, foto bareng banyaklaaah jadi artis mendadak dah tuh.

depan: saskia,bella,gece,ayu,farah(gue),alya
eh temen temen gue pada minta kartu buat nonton ibl diskon gara-gara tadi ga kebagian yaudahlah gue juga minta daan akhirya dapeeet yesssss! nanti tanggal 10juli gue sama temen-temen mau nonton gitu deh asikasik uououo gajelas ya guee hehhe. yaaah karena udh panas tim SM pulang deeeh yaudah gue sama ayu juga pulang huahaha SM TENANG AJA KITA PASTI NONTON!
yaudah deeeeh gitu yaaaaa hihihi kalo yang mau komentar di c-box aja yaaaaaaaaa thanksss ;DD
masalah lagi -__-
00.57 | Posted by farahfartongsss
gue itu kan punya pacaar yaaaa, baru jadian bulan may lalu tanggall 28. naaaah sekarang hubungan gue sama pacar masih lanjutttttt ;p sebenernya gue pernah nagis gara2 gue baca sms dari dia yang super duper panjang dah menyedihkan laah(lebay bae gua) hhhh. iseng2 gara-garagaada topik pembicaraan lain gua nanya ke dia gini 'mantan kamu yang masih kamu sayang siapa?' dengan tanpa dia mikirin perasaan gue dia jawab '***** jujur aku masih sayang sama dia' pas denger ituuuuu yaoloh gua rasanya pingin nangis ihhh lebaaay hhahah, tapi emang gitu lahh. terus akhir2 ini pacaar gue itu udh ga terlalu perhatian gitu sama gue yaaaa jarang lah ;( tapi mungkin ada sesuatu yang benerbener dia gabisa buat hubungin gue dulu saat ini.
sebenernya gue takut banget kalo dia bakal direbut lagi sama manntannya iiihhhh janga sampe deh ya soalnya gue sayang sama dia ;0
sayang ini kata-kata dari aku buat kamu yaa 'sorry, i know i'm not better and more beautiful than her but i love you him'
gitulah sebenernya panjang ceritanya justru cerita selanjutnya itu yang gabisa gue ceritaain disini hehehe sorrrry and byee
menjadi alay seharian di CIM
00.30 | Posted by farahfartongsss
pas pulangg jam sepuluhan ayu ngajakin gue tuh kerumah kodelss hehe yaudah gue langsung ngajakin ishmah dan kita capcus kerumah kodel naik angkot hhh. ngeselinnya lagi pas kita sampe sana kodelnya masih tidurrrr ah paraaah dah ih yaudah kita bangunin aja tuh orang hehe sorry dhel ;pp udh deeeh kita mainmain. gara-gara kelaperan banget kita berempat berniat gitu kan buat ke cim tau kan cim itu cinere mall ahaha siplah kita berangkat dengan dandanan supeeeeeer kampung ;pp gapapa laah cinere doang haha menghina abiss. yaaa kita awalnya bingung mau makan apa terus gue mengusulkan makan mister bakso hhh soalnya murah banget sihhh. ayu sama kodel pesen nasgor yang 15ribuan gue sama ishmah yang 7ribuan padahal rasanya sama aja hahaha sabar ya ayuu dan kodeeel hehe
paaaaaas pingin pulang gue laper lagi tuh sama ishmah yaudah kita langsung ke d'creepes apalah buat beli makanan lg hehe nah si ayu&dheli beli minuman di gyant. pas gue lagi makan sama ishmah ada ALAAAAAAY gitu lagi potopoto pake hp-nya yang ber-tipe 5200. pas dheli&ayu balik mereka berdua ngeliat SEKUMPULAN CEWEK-CEWEK YANG SANGAT DIKENAL DENGAN PAKAIANNYA SEOLAH-OLAH PINGIN KE PIM wakakakakaka. pas pulang gue ayu ishmah kodel ngliat anak keccil gitu sendirian terus nyebrang yaudah karena gue kasian sama dia gue dan kawan-kawan nolongin dia dan ngasih tau satpam yauddaaahlaah gapenting juga siihh hehe.
nah yang sssupeer ditungggu-tunggu nih hehehe. kita pulang bukan dengan jalan kaki tapi naik becak, yaaa rumahnya dhelia deket sih sama cim. kita berempat tuh naik satu becak hehe ayu pangku gue dheli pangku ishmah. yaaampuuun kita dibecak udah kayak orang gila hhhhh untung aja tuh beccak gak ngejomplang hehe yaaaaaa gue ngebuat video di becak. hehe bagi yang belum pernah naik becak coba naik yaaa naik becak itu serasa naik HALIILINTAR. insyaalah mau di-tag sama ishmah di pesbuuk hehe . LIHAAAAAAAAAT YAAAAA
panjang yaaaaa ceritanya hehe yaudahlah yeeeee
joroknya semasa kecil
01.35 | Posted by farahfartongsss
terussssss kawan gue tuh sering garuk-garukin kuping gue sendiri sampe congeknya tuh anempel di tangan gue ahahaha. sebenernya sih sikap gue waktu masih kecil udah berubah drastis sampe sekarang yaaaaaa. lihat sajalah saya yang sekarang sudah tumbuh besar ehehehehe

halah -__- bullshit
20.32 | Posted by farahfartongsss
kakak kelas gue itu kan ud punya pacar dan pacarnya itu terkenal mengerikan gitu (bukan makan orang yang pastinya ehehe) dia dicariin gitu sama pacarnya kakak kelas gue itu MAMPUUSS LU hemm gua pengen deh ih ngeliat dia di labrak kakak kelas. ih kalo gue jadi dia sih pas udah dilabrak mending pindah sekolah deh daripada hidup gua gak tenang disekolah itu eheheheh. hemmmmmm apalagi yaa udahlah haha
kocak dah
20.00 | Posted by farahfartongsss
yasudahlah sampe sini yaaaa byeeee ;))